Fowey Valley Cider tours & courses

Most Sundays at our cidery in Golant near Fowey we run regular tours with tastings and occasional one day courses for beginners on 'how to make cider'.
The tours last an hour and start at 10am. They are free so if you’d like to come please book online. You'll learn how cider is made, and you’ll learn about all the different processes which enable us to make our other products. The tour will end with tastings of our products, a Q&A, and the opportunity to purchase or order anything from Fowey Valley at a discounted price.
The one-day course will show you how to make a few gallons of cider from any unwanted apples. For just a few pounds outlay you can buy all the tools you need to make gluggable cider in your kitchen.
On the course we’ll cover what makes ciders that are available in the shops different from each other and we’ll look at which ones you like the best (yes a proper tasting) and how they are made.
We’ll be showing you how you can press apples on a budget and in your kitchen with a second-hand whole fruit-juicer. And then the magic! How you turn that juice into cider- that’s the easy bit. What you’ll need to learn after that is a bit of the science on starches, sugars, acids, yeasts and tannins. You’ll learn how to measure them and how to control them to make great cider every time!
Then we’ll go ahead and actually make a flagon of cider each to take home and ferment.
The final part will be what to do with your cider when it has finished fermenting. Drinking it, as it is, is an option but you could tailor it to your preferred taste - flat or fizzy, clear or cloudy, sweet or dry, strong scrumpy or fine cider.
For more details and how to book a tour or a one day course click here.